It has been soooo long since I update my blog. Just don't feel up for scratch to update it. Haha. But this time, I'll be hardworking a bit =.="
Okay, this camp, held at Pueh Youth Camp will be my last prefect camp, but the good thing is it's my turn to bully the candidates unlike last year, we were bullied like nobody's business. It was held on the 18th till 20th April 2008. That morning itself we started bullying the candidates by lining up in the middle of the school singing the national anthem. Funny tho, it's the first time I see the prefects actually sang loudly during morning assembly.
*getting ready for morning assembly*
Later, we were off to our destination. The 2 hours drive was hectic, I nearly fall asleep because of the long journey. And of course, there were a few candidates doze off, too bad I didn't took any pictures of them. LoL! Once we arrived, we were briefed on the R&G of the campsite (yada yada yada..)<----who cares, we EXCOs are free from that, or maybe not all. Haha! The first day of camp was quite disappointing. Everything went smoothly only when there's outdoor activities. The candidates were badly bombarded by the trainers. It's sad that the trainess aren't that participative, and we exco had to make a move to start their engines. *sigh* But the 3rd and 4th activities went very well tho. The activities involves leadership, coordination, teamwork and trust, tiring but the experience is priceless! The candidates finally got their moods back when there's LDK(Latihan Dalam Kumpulan a.k.a teamwork building activities). There, they played 'word-guessing' and 'gossiping' LoL, we literally laughed our heads off during the night. The EXCOs even taught the candidates to dance, well, to dance our theme song, "I believe - Tata Young". Everyone got addicted to it, and even the boys MOVED their ass(es) while dancing. LoL! Even our fierce Prefects' Teacher danced with us!

*Behold, Miss Tiong Ping dancing with the crowd HAPPILY!*
It's a rare sight to see such a fierce and strict teacher could blend in with the wildness of the EXCOs. The first night ended with laughters on the participants' face. The excos on the other hand stayed up on sentry and chit-chatted with teachers on duty for the sentry. The next morning started rolling with morning exercise and outdoor activities. Apparently I do not have the pictures for that activities, I didn't take it from other Excos, but that activity, 'repalling' is like a reverse rock-climbing which requires immense concentration, technique and courage. Phiew~ Luckily I made it out alive. LoL! The EXCOs volunteered to lead in this activity. Dangerous but the experience required is superb!
In the afternoon, more LDK. This time it's also funny. Candidates are to draw the faces of their group leader while blindfolded. Believe me, any human will laugh when they saw the portraits of their 'altered' faces of their leader. Here's an sample :

*Get what I mean? Lester's face is badly dislocated!*
Funny huh? Guess what, we EXCOs got the chance to have our fun too. The system is the same, just that our leader is our prefect teacher, Miss Tiong Ping!
*The EXCOs' piece of art!*
The day ended with once again, laughters and smile. The next day, everyone were busy packing their belongings to go home. Everyone was happy, but concealed in them was sadness because they have to seperate. There are even EXCOs crying, I too am a little sad but i managed to hold back my tears. Finally, the camp that we had planned for months ended with a success. We boarded the bus and head back home.