Time now is 12.25am and i'm having insomnia! Geez, how am I going to stay awake in class later, most probably ending up dozing off during lessons. It's not that I couldn't sleep, but something just keeps bugging me and never dissipates, sheesh~
Alright, here's what I am thinking about:-
1- Time sure flies, never know that it's May already.
2- When can I get my driving license! Man, all I can do is to drive illegally whereas for my friends, well...they have passed the test. *sigh* Most probably my luck to be born on August. I still got a long way to go...
3- How I wish I could met someone who could change my life~
4- What will be my grades for this term's exam? (I didn't study much, so...I doubt it'll be good)
5- Cabal Online!
6- Where the hell is my coat for the forum =.=
7- Who the f**k stole my badminton racket! Curse you!
8- What should I say when I receive my medal tomorrow? (FYI, i got third in the badminton competition)
9- Why I can't sleep =.=
10- I wonder whether I'm annoying to someone.
11 Who will be my future life partner (I have no comment about this...don't ask!)
12- KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid) quoted by my teacher.
13- Annoyed with the fact that I have to wake up earlier than usual later.
14- Cabal again
15- What to wear for the Leo Forum next week.
16- Why we lost in Dota just now >.<"
17- Whether to play maple again or not, since my friend asks me to.
18- If I don't sleep now, I will really lack energy tomorrow
19- But I still can't sleep!
20- Counting how many hours left for me to sleep = 4 and a half hour
21- Why am I spending 2 hours thinking all these craps (most of them)
22- Time to sleep. SLEEP! CLOSE DA EYES AND SLEEP!
23- Still, to no avail~
24- Recalling the lyrics 'Like a Rose' (You treat me like a rose, you gave me room to grow~)
Okayyy, that's about my thoughts for tonight. LoL~ *Trying to sleep*