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Sunday, May 2, 2010Y

Never knew that time slipped so fast. It was months ago since I updated my blog. Today I just don't know why I have the urge to express all my feelings in my blog. Maybe because Facebook hasn't got enough space for me to do so that I ended up here?

At times I envy those sweet couples who have everything in their lives. A smooth relationship, memorable love life and many more sweetest thing a couple would have lust for. Why is there always a 3rd party interfering with our relationship. Both of my friends have this problem and their love life went upside down due to that. I'm no exception to this stigmatic irony. Why do this people exist anyways? Is it so nice or challenging to snatch someone's sweet memories, someone's sacrifice and someone's genuine love? It is such a torment for us to maintain our relationship just to avoid the person we love falling into YOUR hands. Our slightest mistake may cost our love life to vanish in an instant, with everything that we hold dear to slipping through our grasp. Some people who have a very smooth relationship may not feel what we underwent, but trust me, the feeling is beyond tolerable. Protecting the one you love is forever a vow, but how long can you protect when all your strength are drained just to prevent this from happening? We too are humans with finite strength and life.

It's never easy to let go of someone you love, especially when you know they are blinded by these people. I'm not saying that your partner is useless because he or she is not loyal. But think about it, when love comes into mind, any mortal would be blinded and being misled. Some people may think that it's fine as long they are happy with that other person. But what if that person treated the one you love far from worst than the way you treated him/her? Remorseful? It's all too late and you will carry that guilt for the rest of your life. It's an irony to see that the one we loved being illy treated all because you willingly let him/her go. Is this what we call fear? Fear of losing the one we love? But if that person treated him/her much better than you do, of course we will be relieved knowing that it's for their sake. But have we ever appreciated or valued something which we took forcefully? Just think about it and be honest with yourselves, have we ever appreciated anything in our life that is not derived from our own hard work and determination? For instance our family? So how'd you expect that person willingly sacrifice for him/her which that person took for granted? We understand him/her more than they do because we started off from scratch, from normal individuals into loving couples. So who else could truly understand our partners? Even our parents wouldn't understand, but could only understand us, their child, because they sacrificed for us.

About an hour ago I read an article posted by someone in Facebook. The story began with a family of 3 on the urge of falling apart. The husband no longer loves his wife anymore and decided to have a divorce for another girl. Before the divorce, the wife wrote a divorce condition saying that the husband can only divorce after a month and needing him to do certain weird things during that one month. The wife wanted her husband to carry her out from their bedroom in the morning everyday for that one month. It sounded like a joke, but it really made her husband come to his senses. Everyday the husband carried her out and their son clapped happily thinking that his parents are very sweet. This made him guilty for wanting a divorce. But the guiltiest part of all is when he carries his wife. The husband felt that she became lighter and lighter each day, and only began to know that she lost a lot of weight. With every carry, the husband felt the intimacy growing stronger and stronger each day, but at the very last day, the wife passed away when the husband decided not to divorce anymore. It was all too late! But why the wife wanted him to carry? It's because it was the sweetest memory that the husband ever gave to her, carrying her into the bridal and also carrying her into his house when they first got married.

Sometimes our words cannot portray our love but only our actions could. It's because of the memories that we give and get, the sacrifices that we made for one another and the love to each other that enables a couple to last to their last breath. Those who never went through all of this will never truly understand what love is, and even more they don't have the rights to snatch other people's happiness! People may think that the things that I wrote here are absurd due to my young age, but please ask yourself, have you ever stepped into OUR shoes, the shoes of someone who is about to lose their love ones to another person? Only after you've asked yourselves that rhetorical question then judge the maturity of my thoughts. I can assure you, you'll be shocked.....

What my friends said is true, maybe it was true all along that these people are nothing but mere underlings who could not get what they wanted but to use snatch as their last resort. And the worst part is that they snatch not for the greater good, but to ruin other people's happiness forged from endless tears and unflinching loyalty just to reach it - Love.

-Over and Out-

ends at 1:12 AM

Friday, February 26, 2010Y
I'm So Sorry Honey =(

Last night was quite a tough day for me. I'm so sorry for hurting you honey, I really am sorry. Sigh... Maybe I was careless enough to say something out like that, but I seriously didn't mean to say it out. I just feel as though I was overwhelmed by disappointment until I couldn't control what I was uttering. And because of that I accidentally hurt my honey so deeply.

It was when I was on my way fetching my mum, I received a call from her saying what happened to me because I was disappointed at that time. I'll cut the story because it's our personal issue. Then all of a sudden I was bombarding all my feelings, piercing her heart deep enough until she hung up my phone without saying a single word. I was so shocked and could not believe what I just said to her. I kept calling her because I was so worried that I overdid it but she never want to answer my calls. I was so tense, worried and sad until I sped the whole journey back home just to send my mother back. My mother scolded me for speeding up to 120 km/h without even me noticing it. I wasn't aware that I was actually speeding so fast. I even jumped the red lights, two traffic lights to be exact.

After sending my mum back, I rushed to her house hoping that I could directly apologize to her. I still remembered that was about 11.45p.m when I reached her house. I called her and express my apologies to her. Bursting with tears and fear, I explained the whole situation and plead for her forgiveness over and over again. We have been for almost a year and a half, and this is the very first time I've hurt her so deeply.

Thank God she finally forgave me. I don't know how many thanks should I give to my honey because I never met anyone so willingly forgive another person when he or she is badly hurt. Honey, thanks so much for giving me another chance! I know you've been very patient with me all these while, hubby really appreciate it! ^.^

I couldn't really sleep because I am still a little traumatized after last night's incident. That will be my first, and also my very last nightmare. I'm glad that it's all over. I dare not imagine what will happen to me if my honey were to not forgive me for what I've said and done. Thank God *Pray*

♥ A message to my honey ♥ : There are many things in my life that I want to change for you, but sometimes these changes are too heavy for me to carry alone. So I hope that you could bear the pain and bitterness with me, give me your unconditional love and tender care for me to be your perfect hubby in life =)

I Love You ViVi!

-Over and Out-

ends at 2:50 AM

Monday, January 25, 2010Y
Lonely Trip~

Gosh, look at the date of my last post and compare it with the one I posted now! I've been slacking badly nowadays, maybe because busy with things so ended up neglecting my bloggy. Sorry pal *winks*

So today, I'm gonna blog about my trip to Penang and Kuala Lumpur. Not actually all though, it's just my 4th day out of the total 6 days of traveling. Since I'm in Coffee Bean at Genting now and have internet access, I might as well kill some time blogging. Well, this trip is kinda a sad one actually, although I manage to shop for my Chinese New Year attires, I still feel so sad inside because I miss someone very much. I literally felt so lonely inside, because all the shopping complexes that I visited, and even here at Coffee Bean, there're many sweet couples hanging out together. Sigh... I really hope that I could bring her along with me everywhere, then I'll never be alone. Sometimes when she is off for class or extra class, I'm all alone with no one accompanying me, not even in text messages or calls. It's sad indeed. I'm a person who lust for care and love, but not materials or money, so yeah, maybe I tend to have this kinda feelings when I'm all alone. But at least she's willing to spend the rest of her time with me when she's free. Thank you so much my Baby Vivi!

Alright, let's get on to business. My flight to Penang was at 8.55p.m last Friday. We reached Penang at around 11p.m then take a cab to the hotel. So basically 1 day is gone already xD Weird schedule, no? Saturday, we took a 1 hour bus journey to Queensbay Mall, Penang. It's the largest shopping mall in Penang I guess, and I bought most of my CNY shirts there as I would not have the time to buy them as I'm about to start work once I get back to Kuching. I bought around 4 new shirts and 2 short pants for CNY. Not sure what else to buy after I head down to KL tomorrow. Maybe a pair of snickers, jeans and some accessories and ohh yeah, Valentine's gift too. I've been searching the whole Genting for suitable ones, but unfortunately it's freaking expensive here. Awww, I really hope that I manage to buy a decent Valentine present just for her. I've been looking high and low for my baby's Cheongsam too, but it's quite expensive and I can't really afford it, sorry honey, I'll try my best to find for you k? =(

And for the good news, her parents gave me the green lights to bring her out for visiting during CNY! Gosh, it's like a dream come true because last year I missed that opportunity. I noticed that patience is really important in a relationship. I was very patient for the past 16 months of our relationship because there are many things that we could not do together. And finally, on the starting of our 1 year anniversary, we finally could do many things together like celebrating important events just like Christmas, New Year, Valentines, and Chinese New Year. At first I was so worried that our relationship would never be strong because we could not do many things together. So yeah, our patience and hardwork finally paid off! Thanks honey for spending those hard moments together! *hugs*

Basically almost everytime I come to Genting, I'll spend most of my time at Coffee Bean or Starbucks going online. The theme park is kinda too 'young' for me and shopping here will end up a rapture in my wallet, so I would prefer to spend my time doing something that I like most, that is going online and texting my baby! It's 11.03 now and she's asleep already. Guess what, when I was typing this post, there's a girl beside my table, playing Dragonica in a very laggy condition. I think she died lavalon-ing for about 3 times! LoL! She literally grab her hair when she died, and scolded Coffee Bean's connection. I could not stop laughing, but worried that she will stare at me xD Hahahah!

So I got 3 more days at KL till Home Sweet Home~ Will be back on Thursday evening. Honey, I hope that you can wait for me for this 3 days ok? I miss you very much and love you too ^.^ (I'm replying her text here xD) Take care~!

P/s : I would like to thank my honey again because she helped my to change my bloggy's skin. Was kinda fed up with the old one so she took the initiative to change it for me. 我爱你!*hugs * ^.^

-Over and Out-
(Lonely Kelvin)

ends at 10:42 PM

Saturday, November 21, 2009Y
Happy Days~

Happy days are here! My final exam finally ended and I can indulge myself into some games and of course on my honey =) So far my final went well except for Engineering Physics, hope that I manage to pass *prays*

Last Saturday, 2 days before my final exam, my honey together with her friends and I went to spring to watch 2012 and at the same time celebrate Bella's birthday, Happy Belated Birthday Bella! It was the most memorable day of my life because the movie is nice, and I have a great time with her. I'll not write about the sweet part though, I bet the couples out there will understand what I'm saying here =P I was so sad when we gotta say bye to her, but..oh well, all good things must come to an end too anyways. She also bought a couple key-chain just for the two of us, it's a simple heart shape but full of meaning for the two of us. Thanks honey ^.^

Our couple key-chain from my honey <3

Then yesterday, we have a birthday celebration for Darrel at Mr. Ho's. It's a decent and fine dinner. The food there may seem expensive, but it tasted real good and worth the penny. So guys, go try it out~! Happy Birthday Darrel~!

Before I call it a day, I really like to thank my honey for supporting me and encouraging me during those stressful times during examination. She really stayed with me till the end, giving me support and even prayed for me so that I can excel in my examinations. Aww, I'm flattered by her deeds, I really do because I seldom been blessed by someone that much in my life (exclude family xD) and she's the first in my life to do all that for me. I still remembered she said ' Don't worry, baby will pray for you '. That really encourages me a lot especially during Engineering Physics exam. During that whole week, she's the one who accompanied me while I was studying. We sms-ed the whole day and talked when we are free, and that really dissipates my stress a lot! And today I receive a special recording from her. She sang a sweet love song for me. When I listened to it I was literally drowned by it! Her voice is just so sweet and the lyrics are meaningful! This is the 2nd time she recorded her effort for me, and I truly appreciate it! Thanks honey, dar really love you so much <3

My Vivian and my foster daughter Elene ^.^

P/s : Guys, sorry for being very mushy here, I'm just expressing myself xD

-Over and Out-
(Happy and Madly in Love Kelvin)

ends at 1:35 AM

Friday, October 30, 2009Y

I finally finished my assignments so I decided to do some blogging. I have confidence in them..haha! Good job Michael and Kelvin Chung on our English full report~ And yeah, Innovation and Change too, splendid job, especially for our presentation!

I'm basically a loner type, and I think teamwork SOMETIMES is quite hard for me to handle, but this time I really can feel the synergy between us~ Cool eh? Now I can relax, lay back a little and take five after a month+ of hard work. Well...not completely relax of course. I still got my final coming up in about 3 weeks I guess? Whoa that 1 will be hectic, especially for Engineering Physics *fingers crossed*

Before I go to sleep, I would like to thank my honey because she understands my condition during my busy times. She sacrificed her chatting and sms time with me so that I could focus on what I'm doing, and suggested that we would find each other during weekends or when we are really free. And well, I'm really glad that you understood me and willing to do so much for me. Thank you so much my honey! It's really hard to find a girl like you anymore, and I'm really lucky to have you by my side. She also gave me a quote which touched my heart, literally! Because normally it's me who is thinking about all those, but this time it's her saying that to me. "You will catch me every time when I'm falling..but..please allow me to fall into your heart ♥ " I was actually melting after seeing her saying this to me. *hugs*

My honey Vivian ^.^

Honey, I hope that you will read this post and know what I feel. I miss you so much during the times when I'm busy and that I couldn't sms you. I hope that you can be patient with my situation now. I just want you to know that I love you so much, and I'm grateful to have you in my life! And, you become much prettier and more mature after we last met each other~ hehe! *hugs*
I Love You Honey!

-Over and Out-
(Love Sick Kelvin =P)

ends at 1:35 AM

Monday, October 19, 2009Y
Risking my life posting this x.x

I'll be posting something funny, yet very true about females. I got it from my friend's email. Since i've got nothing to do now, I'll just post this for the sake of laughters. Enjoy~ =P

*Courtesy of Ling Sie How*

Lol~ so guys you gotta be very patient with your girl ok? I'm kinda used to it because I have a sister xD Hahahaha!

P/s: Girls, if you happen to read this post, don't kill me ok? XD

-Over and Out-
(Random Kelvin)

ends at 12:02 PM

Monday, October 12, 2009Y
The truth of Men~

It's already 1a.m and I still can't really get myself to sleep. Since I've got nothing to do and didn't want to bother with sms, I got on my facebook and read a tag by my friend Joey. He posted facts about guys and their behavior and almost 80% are true! Here's it :

1. Guys like their gadgets & bikes more than a girl. Guys don’t actually look after good-looking girls. They prefer neat and presentable girls.

2. Guys hate flirts.

3. When a guy says he doesn’t understand you, it simply means you’re not thinking the way he is.

4. Guys may be flirting around all day but before they go to sleep, they always think about the girl they truly care about .

5. When a guy really likes you, he’ll disregard all your bad characteristics.

6. Guys go crazy over a girl’s smile.

7. Guys will do anything just to get the girl’s attention.

8. When you touch a guy’s heart, there’s no turning back.

9. When a girl says “no”, a guy hears it as “try again tomorrow”.

10. You have to tell a guy what you really want before he gets the message clearly.

11. Guys love their moms.

12. A guy would sacrifice his money for lunch just to get you a couple of roses.

13. A guy often thinks about the girl who likes him. But this doesn’t mean that the guy likes her.

14. You can never understand him unless you listen to him.

15. If a guy tells you he loves you once in a lifetime. He does.

16. Beware. Guys can make gossips scatter through half of the face of the earth faster than girls can.

17. Like Eve, girls are guys’ weaknesses.

18. Guys are very open about themselves.

19. It’s good to test a guy first before you believe him. But don’t let him wait that long.

20. Guys hate it when their clothes get dirty. Even a small dot.

21. Guys really admire girls that they like even if they’re not that much pretty.

22. If a guy tells you about his problems, he just needs someone to listen to him. You don’t need to give advice.

23. A usual act that proves that the guy likes you is when he teases you.

24. Guys keep secrets that girls tell them.

25. Guys think too much.

26. Guys fantasies are unlimited.

27. Girls’ height doesn’t really matter to a guy but her weight does!

28. Guys tend to get serious with their relationship and become too possessive. So watch out girls!!!

29. Guys are more talkative than girls are especially when the topic is about girls.

30. You can truly say that a guy has good intentions if you see him praying sometimes.

31. If a guy says you’re beautiful, that guy likes you.

32. Guys hate girls who overreact.

33. Guys love you more than you love them IF they are serious in your relationships.

*Credits to Joey Chen*

P/s: So girls, you should know what to do with your man (if you have one) =P

-Over and Out-
(Nothing-to-say Kelvin)

ends at 1:13 AM